Data for: The role of inter-group biases in children’s endorsement of information about novel individuals
Using a selective learning paradigm, we investigated how 6-7 years old children’s inter-group biases about novel targets and informants interacted. The data show the number of trials on which participants endorsed positive and negative evaluations across 3 experiments. In Experiment 1 (N = 24), children were introduced to two informants, who always gave contradictory testimony about a target (i.e., being nice vs. being mean). The targets spoke either the native language of the participants (Turkish), or in a different language (French). No information regarding the group identities of informants was revealed. Children were then asked to endorse one of these evaluations. In Experiments 2 (N = 48) and 3 (N = 36), the informants’ group identities were also marked by their languages. One of the informants was an ingroup, (speaking Turkish) and the other was an outgroup (speaking French). Experiment 2 featured female targets and informants, and Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 2 with male targets and informants in order to assess the generalizability of the findings.