Source files and R code for "Close Parallels between Cannabis Use and Deteriorating US Mental Health at Four Levels Supports and Extends the Epidemiological Salience of Demonstrated Causal Mental Health Relationships: A Geospatiotemporal Study"
Published: 11 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3jrps2knjv.1
Albert ReeceDescription
Mechanistic source files and data code for "Close Parallels between Cannabis Use and Deteriorating US Mental Health at Four Levels Supports and Extends the Epidemiological Salience of Demonstrated Causal Mental Health Relationships: A Geospatiotemporal Study"
Steps to reproduce
Download data files and code. Download R and R studio. run code.
University of Western Australia
Cannabinoid, Neurotoxicity, Chronic Mental Illnesses, Cannabis