tank container operator operations data
The Excel file has three worksheets. Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 include a list of demand data with a number of attributes. Worksheet 3 includes travel times from original depot to destination depot. Worksheet 1 includes a list of demand data with the following attributes (that are used in Stage 1): Quote Num: job quotation number index From Depot: original depot Start Region: original region To Depot: destination depot End Region: destination region Job quote date: job quotation date Job start date: job start date Job revenue: revenue of the job; Worksheet 2 includes a list of demand data with the following attributes (that are used in Stage 2): Quote Num: job quotation number index From Depot: original depot Start Region: original region To Depot: destination depot End Region: destination region Job quote date: job quotation date Job start date: job start date Job revenue: revenue of the job; Worksheet 3 includes travel times from original depot to destination depot: Depot From: original depot regionFrom: original region Depot To: destination depot regionTo: destination region Travle Days: number of days traveling from original depot to destination depot.