Brain structure can mediate/moderate the relationship of behavior to brain function and transcriptome: a preliminary study

Published: 21 January 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/3k4zys49mm.2
Sumra Bari


File headings are as follows: Session: Post-Pre = change measures for all variables Virtual Reality (VR) modules: Comprehensive = Comp, Balance, SR= sensorimotor, SM= Spatial Memory; microRNA (miRNA) levels for miR-20a, miR-505, miR-3623p, miR-30d, miR-92a, miR-486, miR-195, miR-93p, miR-151-5p; resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) fingerprint similarity for nine networks: Visual (VIS), Somatomotor (SM), Dorsal Attention (DA), Ventral Attention (VA), Limbic System (L), Fronto-Parietal (FP), Default Mode Network (DMN) and subcortical regions (SUBC) Diffuision Tensor Imaging (DTI) Demographic information obtained from each participant: Race (W = White, AA= African American), Age (years), Years of play experience (YoE), history of diagnosed concussion (HoC; reported as the number of previous concussions), player Position, Handidness, Headache/Migraine and ADHD and Dyslexia status (here indicated under the ADHD column). The Folder 'Data for PMe and PMo analysis' contains data for the variables that appear in PMe and PMo analysis and Pre and Post values are separately provided so that the change metrics can be calculated while running permutations.



Northwestern University, Penn State


Motor Control, microRNA, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Head Injury, Neuroimaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging
