
Published: 5 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3k7mrzpryf.1


This data is from a factorial experiment examining the effects of 8 compost tea (CT) recipes on growth of Verticillium dahliae, an organism responsible for wilt in potatoes, both via direct and volatile effects.


Steps to reproduce

Compost teas were produced according to the recipes in the data set and allowed to brew for 3, 6, or 10 days. For direct suppression, compost teas were added to PDA media and poured into plates before inoculation with 4mm disks of V. dahliae. Colony diameter was measured daily for 14 days. For volatile suppression, the double plate method was used. Compost teas were added to PDA media and poured into plates, while a separate plate containing PDA media without CT, was innoculated with a 4mm disk of V. dahliae. The plate with the V. dahliae was inverted over the plate containing the PDA and CT, and the two plates were sealed using parafilm to ensure that the V. dahliae was not in direct contact with the PDA containing the CT. Colony diameter was measured daily for 14 days. For both direct and volatile suppression experiments were carried out using both unsterilized CTs and filter sterilized CTs.


Composting, Potato, In Vitro Study


National Institute of Food and Agriculture


Ministry of Education
