Movies and dataset for: Hierarchical 2D to 3D micro/nano-histology of human dental caries lesions using light, X-ray and electron microscopy

Published: 16 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3ks3syd2n3.1


Movies as described in the paper 'Hierarchical 2D to 3D micro/nano-histology of human dental caries lesions using light, X-ray and electron microscopy' (2022), Supplementary Information, SI-Movie S1-9. The details of scanning electron microscopy and synchrotron tomography results illustrated in the movies. Folder '' contained a sequence of tif images (16-bits) which were cropped using ImageJ-Fiji, software mentioned in the manuscript (to get the crop dataset for the data in the software makeRectangle(0, 1272, 1563, 1238), dimension 1563 × 1238 pixels, voxel size 0.325 µm) from a full reconstructed synchrotron tomography raw dataset (10x objective lens, field of view 2560 × 2160 pixels, 831.675 × 701.675 µm, voxel size 0.325 µm, crop illustrated on the tif image 'Regionofinterest.tif'). This stack of datasets are extracted from one of the scans used for the tomography montage detailed in the manuscript. It shows the carious region and also some FIB-SEM milled regions.



Dentistry, 3D Imaging, Electron Microscopy, Tomography, Materials Characterization, Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy, Focused Ion Beam, Tooth Enamel, Computer Imaging, Synchrotron Radiation, Light Microscopy, Dental Caries
