Psychological conditions of formation communicative competence of future speech therapist

Published: 11 August 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3ktxk4jxdy.1
Maryna Zaushnikova


Psychological conditions of formation communicative competence of future speech therapist. - Qualifying scientific work on the rights of the manuscript. Dissertation for a Сandidate degree in psychological sciences in specialty 19.00.07 – pedagogical and development of psychology. National Pedagogical M. P. Dragomanov University, Kyiv, 2021. The actuality of the dissertation research is to the specified problem is determined by the importance of communicative competence in the training of specialists in socionomic professions, the need to take into account its specificities when training future specialists, and the insufficient study of the psychological conditions of the formation of communicative competence of the future speech therapist. The subject of the research is the communicative competence of the future speech therapist. The purpose of the research is a theoretical-empirical study of the peculiarities, dynamics and psychological conditions of the formation of the communicative competence of the future speech therapist; justification, development and approval of the program for the formation of communicative competence of the future speech therapist in the process of his professional training. A package of psychodiagnostic methods for studying the communicative competence of the future speech therapist has been adapted, the program for the formation of the communicative competence of the future speech therapist has been developed, tested and implemented, and psychological and pedagogical recommendations for optimizing the development of professionally significant components of communicative competence in the system of professional training of the future speech therapist can be used by practical psychologists and teachers of higher education institutions of education, as separate sections of courses of professionally oriented disciplines "Psycholinguistics"and special courses aimed at improving the communicative competence. It should be noted that the level of reliability of the results is confirmed by the use of adequate methods in the research process: a) theoretical: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and systematization of literary sources; methods of theoretical modeling and system analysis when determining the purpose, hypothesis and tasks of research; b) empirical: observation, questionnaire, testing, expert assessment, psychological and pedagogical experiment; mathematical methods: methods of statistical processing of empirical data (Pearson's 2-test, Spearman's correlation coefficient and Student's t-test). The results of empirical research were subjected to statistical analysis in the Eshell and SPSS Statistics for Windows programs. At various stages of the research, a set of complementary psychodiagnostic methods was used to study the specifics of the development of components and to determine the psychological conditions for the formation of communicative competence, are presented in the manuscript.



Nacional'nyj pedahohichnyj universytet imeni M P Drahomanova


