Replication file for "Energy pricing policy and economic stability in Taiwan"
This file replicates the benchmark results for the paper titled "Energy pricing policy and economic stability in Taiwan". Please see README file for how to replicate the results.
Steps to reproduce
Replication for "Energy pricing policy and economic stability in Taiwan" We provide computer code and data to replicate the benchmark results 1. Matlab files to generate Figures 1 and 2 run_Fig1_2.m 2. Benchmark results There are two steps to get the results Step 1. Please run the following matlab files (You can run simulatenously to save running time) run_3_Tao_3_Global_noDummy_level_1_cov.m run_3_Tao_3_Global_noDummy_level_2_cov.m run_3_Tao_3_Global_noDummy_level_3_cov.m Step 2. Run the following matlab file to get the benchmark results. The results will be shown in the Matlab window run_3_Tao_3_Global_noDummy_level_cov_final.m