Data for: Intra-tooth stable isotope profiles in warthog canines and third molars: implications for paleoenvironmental reconstructions
Published: 2 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3mv45xcp65.1
List of data available in Supplementary S2 a) Stable isotope raw data for MPL1 and MPL2. b) Souron2 canine extension rate and appositional angle raw data. c) Souron1 molar extension rate and appositional angle raw data. d) NKU molar extension rate and appositional angle raw data. e) Inverse model parameters f) Inverse model output g) Reconstructed timelines h) Lengths of seasonal cycles at Mpala
Histology, Biogeochemistry, Paleoclimate, Stable Isotope