Computation programs and data for determining parameters in l-i AIR or l-i SEIR epidemic models

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3n8dkfvvwj.1
Xiaoping Liu


The attached Excel file has data and programs used for determining parameters l (average time length of latent period), i (average time length of infectious period), and α (transient incidence) in l-i AIR or l-i SEIR model equations. The detailed procedure for determining these parameters has been described in the preprint (DOI:


Steps to reproduce

The data source of original data tin the Excel file has been mentioned in the Excel file. To learn how to get a calculated number in an Excel worksheet, simply click on the cell in the worksheet that contains the calculated number to see the calculation formula used. By click on the graph in the Excel worksheet, you can know which data in the worksheet are used to draw the curves in the graph.


West Virginia University


Epidemiology, Mathematical Modeling
