LVMP-Based Damage Identification Numerical Database and Verification Appendices
Published: 1 November 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3ndjjr5hzy.1
Obukho EsuDescription
This repository contains data for the Database and Numerical Verification performed in the Article entitled "A baseline-free method for damage identification in pipes from local vibration mode pair frequencies". Although the data is included in Appendices A and B of the source Article, it is envisaged that the format ('CSV') in which the data is stored in this repository is more readily usable.
Steps to reproduce
The steps to reproduce the data in this repository are presented in the Source article entitled "A baseline-free method for damage identification in pipes from local vibration mode pair frequencies" published in Structural Health Monitoring Journal, DOI: 10.1177/14759217211052335
University of Surrey Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Database, Modal Analysis