The amount of the work in the vineyard, its yield greatly depends on what type of grape trellis is used in the vineyard. The horizontal grape trellis system of the vineyard - pergola - cultivation has a number of advantages. Such farming techniques increase yields by 2-3 times in comparison with the vertical shoot position system and provide the best quality of grapes. But this grape trellis has a significant disadvantages, the care of vines grown on horizontal trellis is very time-consuming. The authors have developed a new type of horizontal grape trellises - the mobile low industrial and high garden pergolas. As a result, we get a high yield typical for the low industrial pergola, which is 2- 3 times higher than the yield obtained on the vertical grape trellis, and its maintenance is just as convenient and simplified as that of the vertical grape trellis. For both - low industrial and high garden horizontal trellises - a significant reduction in labor intensity is achieved, and in addition - for high garden pergola - a significant reduction of traumatic care.