Splenic fibroblasts control marginal zone B cell movement and function via two distinct Notch2-dependent regulatory programs. Allman et al.
This dataset provides supporting material for the manuscript “Splenic fibroblasts control marginal zone B cell movement and function via two distinct Notch2-dependent regulatory programs”. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches we investigated the role of Notch signaling in splenic marginal zone B (MZB) cell homeostasis in mouse models. Combining data generated through flow cytometry, confocal imaging, and RNAseq, we identified stromal sources of Delta-Like1 Notch ligands within splenic white pulp follicles and distinguished between Myc-dependent and Myc-independent branches of the Notch regulated transcriptome within MZB cells. The following dataset represents the confocal images generated in transgenic mouse models, as well as the cell proportions and absolute numbers of cells generated and calculated through flow cytometry.