These datasets contain all the fly walking trajectories used in the following paper: (insert paper reference). Each dataset is divided into 3 sections with the following section headings: Experimental conditions, Arena data, Fly data. Experimental conditions contains information on the arena size and type (standard vs. slider), food (yeast, sucrose, water), fly (strain, sex, age, mating state, nutrient state, starvation state), and illumination (white light vs. dark). In Arena data, each row contains the x,y center and radius of the food drop, as well as the x,y center and radius of the arena. For slider experiments, the arena data also contains the x,y center and radius of the food drop after sliding, as well as the frame numbers for the start and end of the slider moving. The arena data can be matched with their corresponding fly trajectory by selecting for the same fly id number in the first column. Note that the fly id number is zero-indexed. In Fly data, each row represents one frame of data for the fly whose id is listed in the first column. The column values are the fly id number, time, x position, y position, x velocity, y velocity, heading, and heading velocity of the fly. The data were collected using an automated tracking system and smoothed with a 1-D Kalman filter. Refer to the Methods section of the paper for more details.
Steps to reproduce
Refer to the Methods section of the paper for detailed methodology