Burnout syndrome in students of the clinical cycle of dentistry at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. dentistry at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña.
Burnout syndrome is related to the inability to cope with chronic work stress, consisting of negative behaviors and emotions, which also occurs in the academic environment, in this case affecting dental students due to the high academic load, thus affecting their performance. The main objective of this research was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome among students in the clinical cycle of the dental course at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. The present study was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and analytical, with the participation of 88 students in the clinical cycle enrolled in the term January-April 2023 at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, using the Maslach Burnout Inventory student survey (MBI-SS) by Schaufeli et al. It consisted of fifteen items with six possible answers; to analyze the data obtained, descriptive statistical tests were carried out. As a result, it was found that 89.7% of the clinical students suffer from burnout syndrome, 38.6% of the students surveyed knew about the syndrome, the test of the relationship between the presence of the syndrome and the clinical cycle level was .001, that is, it was significant, on the other hand, the relationship between the severity of the syndrome and the clinical cycle level, the correlation test was .126 and its significance was .269, indicating a weak relationship between these variables. The syndrome was more frequent in the female sex and the most frequent level of the syndrome among the students in the clinical cycle was the intermediate level. This research was consistent with hypothesis H1: A high percentage of students in the clinical cycle of the dental course at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña suffer from BS.
Steps to reproduce
The registration numbers, names and institutional emails of the enrolled students were obtained through the list provided by the address of the dental school. After receiving the list, the students were approached through the institutional email where they were sent the informed consent and the link to the survey, in order to be completed by them. To begin completing the survey, the student must have agreed to the informed consent; if they did not agree, the questionnaire was not completed. Then the student entered general information about her, such as: age, sex and clinic to which she belonged and also had to indicate if she had knowledge of what SB is. The instrument used in data collection was a survey type. For this, the modified MBI-SS form by Schaufeli, Martínez, et al. was used. 38, this consists of a survey type form for the evaluation of SB in university students or high school students. This consists of fifteen questions for the validation of the study, in addition to serving as a data collection tool, it had the purpose of meeting the objectives of the study. A pilot test was carried out to verify that the survey sent by Gmail email worked correctly at the time of collecting the entered data. The MBI-SS survey was a standardized instrument that was validated by the advisors to be used as the data collection instrument. This survey was sent by institutional mail to 10 students of the clinical cycle in the January - April 2023 quarter to be completed and thus The pilot test was carried out, which functioned as a guide for the definitive collection of information; The selected students were excluded from the sample of final participants. The results obtained were analyzed through descriptive statistical tests because we sought to know the prevalence of Burnout syndrome in clinical students. These tests were displayed in graphs and tables of Microsoft Office 2021 Excel (Microsoft Corporation) to facilitate the understanding of the data acquired in this investigation. For the inferential analysis, SPSS® Statistics v25 (IBM®) software was used. The normality of the data was analyzed by graphical visualization and the Shapiro-Wilk test. Depending on the result obtained, the T-test was used for numerical variables or its non-parametric counterpart. Qualitative data were evaluated using the chi-square test.