DEX and QoR40 in neuromonitering thyotectomy
Study objective Intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) technology minimizes nerve injury during thyroidectomy, but reduces the postoperative quality of recovery, based on Quality-of-recovery 40 (QoR40) score. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of dexmedetomidine on quality of recovery and chronic postsurgical pain (CPSP) in patients after neuromonitoring thyroidectomy. Design A prospective, double-blind, randomized trail Setting The operation room, post-anesthesia care unit and ward. Patients 60 patients undergoing neuromonitoring thyroidectomy were randomized into two groups. 30 patients received a loading dose of dexmedetomidine 0.6 μ before induction (Group D). The rest patients received volume-matched saline as placebo (Group C). Measurements The primary endpoint is the global QoR40 score on postoperative day 1 (POD1). The secondary endpoints included QoR40 scores on POD3, intraoperative hemodynamic parameters, time from desflurane discontinued to verbal response and extubation, postoperative adverse events, hospital stay and expense. Incidence of CPSP was also recorded.