Data from: Mismatch-induced growth reductions in a clade of Arctic-breeding shorebirds are rarely mitigated by increasing temperatures
Published: 1 December 2021| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/3sfrd695hf.3
Thomas Lameris, Theunis Piersma, Pavel S. Tomkovich, James A. Johnson, R.I.Guy Morrison, Ingrid Tulp, Simeon Lisovski, Lucas DeCicco, Maksim Dementyev, Robert E. Gill Jr., Job ten Horn, Zachary Pohlen, Hans Schekkerman, Mikhail Soloviev, Evgeny E. Syroechkovsky, Mikhail K. Zhemchuzhnikov, Jan A. van GilsDescription
This data is connected to the research paper "Mismatch-induced growth reductions in a clade of Arctic-breeding shorebirds are rarely mitigated by increasing temperatures". It includes data on biometrics of chicks and adults of Red Knots, Great Knots and Surfbirds, data on arthropod abundance and data on temperature. Detailed information can be found in the README file. Please contact me before using these data.
Steps to reproduce
Please read the "READ_ME" file. To run the R scripts, additional data on surfbird chick biometrics needs to be downloaded from First run the "main.R" script, thereafter the "figures.R" script.
Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee
Animal Growth, Arthropoda, Chick, Arctic Region, Shorebird, Phenology, Air Temperature