Published: 7 June 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3srffc36dz.1
, , Description
A set of data was collected from moving vehicle tests on a laboratory scale model bridge, for validating numerical vehicle-bridge interaction simulation algorithms and in understanding vehicle-bridge interaction mechanisms. The model vehicle was 28 kgf in weight; the model bridge was made of a steel I-girder, 5.6 m long (5.4 m in span length) and 311 kgf in weight. The vehicle ran in 3 speeds, and the following dynamic responses were recorded: vertical acceleration and displacement responses at the bridge's 1/6, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 5/6 span, vertical acceleration responses at the vehicle's front, left, and right ends. More details are given in the README.txt and EXPMODEL.png files, and the experiment data is given in EXPDATA.mat.
Kyoto Daigaku
Moving Load, Bridge Dynamics, Structural Vibration