Drone Navigation Experiment Data
Published: 5 September 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3sv9tfsgdt.1
Dany Eka SaputraDescription
This dataset contain the measurement data in a drone navigation experiment. The experiment is conducted to test the performance of drone's navigation using pinhole model for distance prediction. The dataset contains two set of data. The first is statics experiment dataset. It contains the distance prediction between the drone with a certain target object, using pinhole model. The second set is dynamic experiment dataset. It contains the measurement data of a drone flight to reach certain area based on pinhole distance calculation model.
Steps to reproduce
Static Experiment: Two boxes with different size used as target object. The drone was put in front of the target object at 100, 200,
Bina Nusantara University
Computer Imaging, Navigation