Practical approaches to increase whole milk total solids: effects on performance and health of dairy calves
Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3sycdwv3vy.1
Amanda Cezar, Ana Paula da Silva, Ariany Toledo, Cristiane Tomaluski, Sophia Donde, Gercino Virginio Júnior, Marcos Marcondes, Carla BittarDescription
This Supplementary Material is part of the manuscript "Practical approaches to increase whole milk total solids: effects on performance and health of dairy calves". This study aimed to evaluate the performance, metabolism, and health of Holstein calves fed whole milk adjusted for 15% total solids by adding a commercial solids corrector (24% crude protein and 4.8% crude fat) using two practical approaches: daily adjustment using a Brix refractometer or the addition of a fixed amount of the corrector based on mean milk solids content.
Universidade de Sao Paulo Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
Animal Science