Radicalism Survey
A. From January to November 2019, a survey was applied to 188 respondents using the combination of a self-assessment questionnaire, and in-depth interviews that done by the psychiatric. The data used in this study were collected under the SINERGISITAS program. Observed variables/parameters for evaluating the relationship between terrorism and the state is collected fprm B. following source as follows: 1. Terrorism Act- Record on terrorism action in Indonesia from 1996–2018 (Indonesia National Counter Terrorism Agency [Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme] 2018) 2. Government - Government Effectiveness - Reflects perceptions of the quality of public services, the quality of the civil service and its degree of independence from political pressures, the quality of policy formulation and implementation, and the credibility of the government's commitment to such policies (Kaufmann et al., 2011). 3. Corruption Perceptions Index - CPI score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption, as seen by business people and country analysts, and ranges between 100 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt) (International Transparancy, 2019) 4. Control of Corruption - Reflects perceptions of the extent to which public power is exercised for private gain, including both petty and grand forms of corruption, as well as "capture" of the state by elites and private interests (Kaufmann et al., 2011). 5. Regulatory quality - Reflects perceptions of the ability of the government to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations that permit and promote private sector development (Kaufmann et al., 2011). Economic Unemployment rate Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment (Bank World, 2019). 6. Inflation rate - Inflation as measured by the annual growth rate of the GDP implicit deflator showing the rate of price change in the economy as a whole (Bank World, 2019). 7. Poverty - Poverty headcount ratio among the population is measured based on national (i.e., country-specific) poverty lines (Bank World, 2019). 8. GDP - Gross domestic product (GDP) represents the sum of value added by all its producers (Bank World, 2019). Political Voice and accountability Reflects perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in selecting their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media (Kaufmann et al., 2011). 9. Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism - Measures perceptions of the likelihood of political instability and/or politically-motivated violence, including terrorism (Kaufmann et al., 2011). 10. Rule of law - Reflects perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society, and, in particular, the quality of contract enforcement, property rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence (Kaufmann et al., 2011).