Data on experimental characterization of AMR constructed using LBM technique
This data set contains experimental data on characterizing the nature-inspired geometry for fluid flow through a solid porous regenerator used in active magentocaloric cooling applications. The data is sorted into several groups: 1. Passive data. This data was collected during the passive testing of 6 regenerators, of which 3 were made out of aluminum and 3 out of magnetocaloric material (MCM). The aim of these experiments was to determine the thermal effectiveness of the regenerators and the pressure drop though them. Since the aluminum regenerators had better surface quality and higher permeability than MCM ones, passive tests allowed to compare performance of different flow channel geometries. The passive testing on MCM regenerators was done in order to determine pressure drop and qualitatively evaluate surface roughness of the flow channels. 2. Active data. In this data set, the raw data from active magnetic testing are stored. MCM regenerators were characterized in a small-scale magnetocaloric demonstrator. The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of the MCM regenerators under thermo-magnetic cycling. Each of the data files in this group contains full experimental data, but only the last 200s from the recorded data is used for the analysis, since the regenerators reached the periodic steady state condition. 3. Adiabatic temperature change measurements. This experiment was done under heating protocol. The sample and the cabinet were cooled to 273 K. The sample was thermally insulated from surroundings. Once the experiment was started, the cabinet temperature was increased to 302 K. The sample was cyclically magnetized and demagnetized until it reached thermal equilibrium with the cabinet. The data set contains recordings of sample temperature when it was magnetized and demagnetized, as well as induction effect, which must be eliminated before data analysis. 4. Microscopy images. There are microscopy images of randomly selected flow channels of each regenerator. 5. VSM and DSC data. These data are available only in Matlab figure format.