Data from two experiments investigating the functional locus of size-space interactions

Published: 21 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3v79sh9njf.1
Peter Wühr


This is the raw data from two experiments in which we investigated the functional locus of interactions between the processing of physical size and the processing of space. We have submitted a manuscript describing the results of the two experiments for publication, but not yet received an editorial decision. Here is the abstract from our manuscript: Previous studies revealed an S-R compatibility effect between physical stimulus size and response location, with faster left (right) responses to small (large) stimuli, respectively, as compared to the reverse assignments. Here, we investigated the locus of interactions between the processing of size and spatial locations. In Experiment 1, we explored whether stimulus size and stimulus location interact at a perceptual level of processing when responses lack spatiality. The stimuli varied on three feature dimensions (color, size, location), and participants responded vocally to each feature in a separate task. Most importantly, we failed to observe a size-location congruency effect in the color-naming task where S-R compatibility effects were excluded. In Experiment 2, responses to color were spatial, that is, keypresses with the left and right hand. With these responses there was a congruency effect. In addition we tested the interaction of the size-location compatibility effect with the Simon effect, for which response-selection is known as the origin. We observed an interaction between the two effects only with a subsample of participants with slower RTs and a larger size-location compatibility effect in a control condition. Together, the results suggest that the size-location compatibility effect arises at the response selection stage. An extended leaky, competing accumulator model with independent staggered impacts of stimulus size and stimulus location on response selection fits the data of Experiment 2 and specifies how the size-location compatibility effect and the Simon effect can arise during response selection.


Steps to reproduce

The methods used for creating and analyzing the data sets are described in a manuscript entitled "Where does the processing of size meet the processing of space?", authored by Peter Wühr and Herbert Heuer. We have submitted this manuscript for publication in May 2024, but we have not yet received an editorial decision when publishing the data files.


Psychology, Human Cognition, Cognitive Modeling


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

WU 357/7-1
