Formation of turbidity maximum in the Modaomen Estuary of the Pearl River, China: the roles of mouth bar (Datasets)
Datasets: Currents, salinity, turbidity, SSC, and velocity of the field investigation in the Modaomen Estuary during the dry season of 2020 Version: 2.0 Contact information: Dr. F Liu, School of Ocean Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, China. Email: (F Liu) Brief view: Hydrodynamics, suspended sediment concentration, and sediment particle size distribution were measured via four cruise shipboard in the mouth bar zone of the ME during the dry season of 2020. Eighteen gauging stations covering the mouth bar zone of the ME were observed during both the neap tide (26 October 2020) and spring tide (1 November 2020). The data from gauging stations #16, #17, and #18 during ebb and ebb-flood periods during the neap tide were the same. This directory contains the following datasets: -data_current_velocity.xlsx: station number, time, longitudinal, latitude, x, y, depth observed from ADCP, depth of the last characteristic layer in the water column (depth_last_cell, m), depth of the first characteristic layer in the water column (depth_first_cell, m), and current velocity (cm/s) and direction (°) of six characteristic layers during spring and neap tides. -data_salinity_turbidity_SSC.xlsx: station number, time, longitudinal, latitude, x, y, depth observed from ADCP, depth observed from OBS (depth_OBS_H), turbidity (ntu), salinity (psu), and suspended sediment concentration (SSC, mg/L) during spring and neap tides. -data_particle_size_distribution.xlsx: station number, mean size (μm), suspended sediment size distribution of three characteristic layers , and bed sediment size distribution during spring and neap tides.
Steps to reproduce
Raw observed data of hydrological aggregate parameters (current velocity, salinity, and SSC) were complemented via Kriging interpolation to show the spatial distributions of current, salinity, and SSC. Surfer (Golden Software) is recommended. The NoData value was assigned to the grid node outside the specified investigation boundary. Based on the shipboard profile data, hydrological and sediment aggregate parameters (depth, salinity, SSC, and axial velocity) in the water column were linearly integrated with six layers, including the surface layer, 0.2H, 0.4H, 0.6H, 0.8H, and bottom layer. The 0.6H was referred to as middle layer. Axial velocity is the projected velocity to the line connecting the two stations at the beginning and end of each longitudinal section. A positive value represents seaward, whereas a negative value represents landward. Matlab is recommended in plotting longitudinal section. Then the functions 'pcolor' and 'contourf' are used to draw the aggregate parameters in longitudinal sections. Data including depth, current velocity, salinity, temperature, SSC, and PSD observed by instruments were utilised to calculate aggregate parameters, including bed shear stress, salinity stratification parameters, and coefficient of variation of suspended sediment.