Tree ring growth data in Json format for the development of logistic tree mortality models.
Json format is an easy-to-read textual representation of the experimental data. Data in Json format has great processing capabilities in R ( R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Initial data: Treedata.txt и RWdata.txt Based on the initial data that are in the public domain (Cailleret et al., 2016), a data structure for tree ring increments in Json format and a converter program in the R programming language were developed. Converter program: Result: TreeRWdata.json The following data is defined for each tree: Site- identifier of the tree's growing place, Species- short name of the species, Name- tree identifier, Article- link to the article, Contact- author, Old- tree age, be.sep- sign of tree status, Status- tree status values (1- live , 0- dead), Years- [year of birth of tree, year of sampling from tree or year of dried tree, DBH- diameter of tree at breast height (cm), Series- number of measurements of tree rings (mm) Reference: Cailleret, Maxime et al. (2016), Data from: Towards a common methodology for developing logistic tree mortality models based on ring-width data, Dryad, Dataset,