Teacher-Made Module & ELT

Published: 31 March 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3vsr33nvb8.1
Marynille Joy Dela Cruz


This is data repository of my Teacher made Module and Emerging Learning Technology towards the Enhancement of Writing Research Report action research


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The researcher administered pretest and posttest as a basis of comparison if the participants' research report writing skills have improved. These underwent face and content validation and reliability testing using pilot tests and test item analysis. Few modifications were made to the tests to suit the instrument to the nature of the study. In-depth interviews and e-journals were also collected. The pretest and posttest were interpreted using frequency, mean scores, standard deviation, and percentages while Braun and Clark’s (2006) thematic analysis for the in-depth interview and the e-journal were used.


English for Academic Purposes
