Dataset related to Environmental Sustainability factors used by Higher Education Institutions

Published: 19 March 2021| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/3w2x9jkvg5.4


This research aims to develop a hybrid environmental sustainability assessment model capable of assessing the degree of essentiality of environmental sustainability factors in Higher Education Institutions. The dataset was collected online using Google Forms. The survey items were constructed based on the factors found using the content analysis of 47 scientific articles selected systematically in the SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science databases. The questionnaire was prepared based on Lawshe´s Method, so that a sample of 105 participants evaluated each one of them as indispensable, important, unnecessary or I did not understand. Analysis of the articles resulted in 40 factors of environmental sustainability and the highest frequency for assessing the sustainability of Higher Education Institutions. The result of the study allows identifying items covered in the Literature Review and listed in GRI model that are not present in the evaluated models.


Steps to reproduce

The initial research was carried out in the SCOPUS and Web of Science databases using the following query: “environmental sustainability” AND (“higher education” OR Universit * OR college) AND (practice OR action OR indicator OR factor OR evaluate * OR measur *). The result of the research allowed identifying 560 articles in the SCOPUS database and 232 in the Web of Science. After making some filters, 47 documents related to the theme remained for reading, from which it was possible to select 06 models of environmental sustainability, in addition to the GRI. Of these, 03 models were selected because they have more information available. The factors evaluated in the selected models gave rise to the applied questionnaire. The following actions were taken to select the respondents for the survey: 1) Connection with the authors of the articles selected for data collection through ReserchGate, a social network aimed at professionals in the field of science and researchers. in addition to forwarding the questionnaire to researchers belonging to their contact networks and who was related to the research topic. 2) Survey of the contact email of the Universities participating in the UI Green Metric World University Rankings 2019. 3) Contact with professionals in the sustainability area through the social network Linkedin.


Sustainability, Higher Education, Environmental Sustainability
