Butterfly larvae in maize field margins
Butterfly larvae were sampled in field margins at maize anthesis. Larvae were sampled at peak maize anthesis, in maize field margins in Lleida in 2013; two separate anthesis periods were contemplated according to planting date of the maize crops. The first maize crop planted around 15-March to 15-April flowers in July (anthesis I), the second maize crop planted around 15-May to 15-June following harvest of winter cereal, flowers in August (anthesis II). Ten and twelve sites were sampled at each anthesis period, selecting 100 m of two different field margins. All potential larval host plants of butterflies were sampled. The preferred sampling methodology was visual inspection, but in some cases beating sampling was applied. Plant dimensions, sampling method and sampling time were recorded. All Lepidoptera larvae were collected, reared at the laboratory to adult, and identified to species if possible following literature. The excel files show the mean number of butterfly and moth larvae recorded at each sampling site (per 100 m margin). Other information given includes the total plant area sampled and the time spent searching the larval host plants per site.