Supplementary data for the article: Fur microbiome as a putative source of symbiotic bacteria in sucking lice

Published: 15 July 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/3wv3szky46.4


Alignments folder: 1. Full 16S rRNA matrix - full matrix of 16S rRNA fragments corresponding to amplicon screening analyzed by IQ-TREE in fasta format 2. 27-taxa 16S rRNA matrix - reduced matrix of 16S rRNA fragments corresponding to amplicon screening analyzed by PhyML in fasta format 3. Neisseriales matrix - concatenated matrix of 50 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for Neisseriales (analyzed by IQ-TREE and PhyloBayes) in a fasta format Phylogenetic trees folder: Phylogenetic trees generated by PhyML, IQ-TREE and PhyloBayes in a newick format. Annotations folder: Annotations of the genomes and genome drafts used for comparisons (characteristics, metabolism) in gbk format. K numbers folder: K numbers generated by BlastKOALA server for corresponding genomes. Detailed description of used methods can be found in the Materials and Methods section.


Steps to reproduce

Alignments folder: 1. Full 16S rRNA matrix - full matrix of 16S rRNA fragments corresponding to amplicon screening analyzed by IQ-TREE in fasta format 2. 27-taxa 16S rRNA matrix - reduced matrix of 16S rRNA fragments corresponding to amplicon screening analyzed by PhyML in fasta format 3. Neisseriales matrix - concatenated matrix of 50 ortholog sequences (AA) extracted from representative set of available proteomes for Neisseriales (analyzed by IQ-TREE and PhyloBayes) in a fasta format Phylogenetic trees folder: Phylogenetic trees generated by PhyML, IQ-TREE and PhyloBayes in a newick format. Annotations folder: Annotations of the genomes and genome drafts used for comparisons (characteristics, metabolism) in gbk format. K numbers folder: K numbers generated by BlastKOALA server for corresponding genomes. Detailed description of used methods can be found in the Materials and Methods section.


Jihoceska Univerzita v Ceskych Budejovicich Prirodovedecka Fakulta


Microbiome, Metagenomics, Anoplura, Symbiosis, Metabolic Pathway Analysis, Phylogeny
