Optimal gut size of small birds and its dependence on environmental and physiological parameters: Simulated data and code for running the model simulations and for generating the figures

Published: 16 August 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3x4kpm5dxs.1


******************* Please view the README.txt file for more details ******************** Title: Optimal gut size of small birds and its dependence on environmental and physiological parameters: Simulated data and code for running the model simulations and for generating the figures Date of Release: 2018/08/10 Identifier: doi:10.17632/3x4kpm5dxs.1 Permalink: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/3x4kpm5dxs.1 Associated publication: Ez-zizi, A., McNamara, J. M., Malhotra, G., & Houston, A. I. (2018). Optimal gut size of small birds and its dependence on environmental and physiological parameters. Journal of theoretical biology. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.05.010 Link to publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2018.05.010 Suggested citation: Please reference the associated publication above when using any datasets or materials described in this README file. Contact information: Adnane Ez-zizi, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK., a.ez-zizi@sheffield.ac.uk or aezziz22@gmail.com This directory contains: - The simulated data (the results for each parameter manipulation are recorded in a separate text file) - The Matlab programs used to produce the simulation results For more details about the steps followed by the model, check the appendix section in the paper.



University of Bristol


Behavioral Ecology, Predation, Foraging Behavior, Dynamic Programming, Starvation, Mathematical Biology
