Data for: Deterring Dealers' Slackness: The Role of Suppliers' Incentive, Monitoring, and Market Environment

Published: 27 April 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/3x5rb4f25k.2
Lu Shen


Here is our research data. To collect data, we collaborated with a national research firm, which had a long-standing reputation in marketing research services and had established many branches in major Chinese cities. The survey was run by face-to-face interviews and the interviewers were all trained according to our research objectives, which enabled the respondents have correct understanding of the survey questions and ensured a high response rate (Zhou et al. 2005). We first, using the Chinese Business Yellow Book (2015) as the sampling frame, adopted quota sampling technique to select 60 firms in each of the four cities in northeastern China (i.e. Harbin, Changchun, Shenyang and Dalian), which were evenly distributed in the three industries in each city, totally a sample of 240 firms. In particular, the sample is limited to companies engaged in wholesale. Then, managers from these firms were contacted by telephone or email in order to obtain their cooperation. To encourage their participation, the interviewers informed them of the academic purpose of the project and guaranteed the confidentiality of all responses, and promised a summary report as an incentive (Gu et al., 2008; Zhou et al., 2005). The managers were successfully interviewed by the interviewers from the local branch of the research firm. After screening and deleting questionnaires with missing data, we retained 211 usable surveys, yielding a response rate of 87.9%.



