Aboveground Tree Carbon of Teak Plantations in West Bago Mountains, Myanmar
Our research was conducted in teak plantations established in western parts of the Bago Mountains, Pauk Khaung Township, Myanmar to assess the tree carbon content of the plantations of different ages by two different management regimes.
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Quadrats of 20 x 20 meters were set up in each plot, and ten sample plots were laid out in each selected teak plantation of different ages using a stratified random sampling design. In total, 80 sample plots were established in teak plantations of different ages. Within each sampling plot, teak trees with a diameter at breast height (D ≥ 5 cm) and height (H ≥ 1.3 m) were measured on each of the sampled trees using the measuring tape and Forestry Pro. The aboveground tree carbon content was compared among two management regimes using these raw data. Moreover, the relationship between aboveground tree carbon, tree density and plantation ages was calculated in SPSS software.