Review Article
In tropical climes, it has been noted that urban regions, as opposed to rural areas, are seeing a rapid increase in temperature as a result of UHI. The usage of hardscape areas in roads and pavements, global warming, and reflecting surfaces on building facades are just a few of the causes of the rise in temperatures. Glass, high-pressure laminate, and metallic sheets provide a reflective surface that draws attention and are contributors in increasing the temperature outdoors. The environment and people's comfort may suffer from the façade's reflected heat. This research paper attempts to explore numerous ways for dealing with the UHI impact brought on by reflecting facades and details the mechanisms through which these strategies operate. For the purpose of estimating the numerical values of solar reflections, the effects of albedo, their effects on microclimate, and the influence of urban canyon can all be very significant. In order to provide credence to the assertion, numerous studies spanning the years 2003 to 2022 have been reviewed with the goal of comprehending the impacts of albedo on the thermal comfort of the outdoors. In the model experiment and numerical simulation, the influence laws of retro reflecting materials as well as how it affects materials other than these highly reflective materials on the quality of the outdoor environment have been acquired. As seen in the thorough review studies, ENVI met proves to be useful for computing thermal comfort indices. This review offers the researchers the chance to focus their research on quantifying the value of solar reflectance in conjunction with other environmental parameters in order to comprehend its role in the atmosphere. Professionals that oversee making decisions during the urban planning design process will find this study to be helpful.
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