Data for: Comparison of Multi-response Prediction Methods

Published: 24 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/3ympjxywdm.1
Raju Rimal, Trygve Almøy, Solve Sæbø


Dataset: NIR_Dough --------------------------- Number of Observations: 72 A list of three items: NIR: A matrix of dimension 72 x 700 Ingredient: A matrix of dimension 72 x 4 train: A logical vector representing test and training samples Dataset: Raman-PUFA ----------------------------- Number of Observations: 1096 A list of three items: Raman: A matrix of dimension 69 x 1096 Pufa: A matrix of dimension 69 x 2 train: A logical vector representing test and training samples



Food Science, Spectroscopy, Chemometrics
