MJPEG Video Dataset
Legend: *.ascii - data (image size) in 'matrix' format. First row: number of rows, number of columns. Next rows: values. Interpretation: Each row represents a compression level, each column represents the size of the corresponding frame in all compressions. *.bw - bandwidth The files are divided into test and training sets, and their name contains information about the video they belong to. The provided legend describes the format of two types of files: *.ascii and *.bw. The *.ascii files contain data in matrix format, where the first row specifies the number of rows and columns, and the following rows contain the values. Each row represents a compression level, and each column represents the size of the corresponding frame in all compressions. The *.bw files contain bandwidth data. The files are split into two sets: test and training. The name of the file indicates the video it belongs to. These data sets can be used for a variety of purposes, such as testing and training algorithms for video compression or bandwidth estimation.