Corpus of Transparent Peer Review
The Corpus of Transparent Peer Review is a comprehensive dataset compiled from the transparent peer review reports of research articles published in Nature Communications. Nature Communications, a leading journal in the field of Science, encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, including Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Health Sciences. This dataset offers insights into the transparent peer review process, shedding light on the rigorous evaluation and collaborative efforts that contribute to the publication of high-quality scientific research. Dataset Overview: Source Journal: Nature Communications Major Knowledge Domains: Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences Number of Articles: 560 (280 from BS & 280 from PS) Number of Reviewer Reports: 596 Reviewer Reports in BS & 607 Reviewer Reports PS of 280 published articles Number of Author Responses: 529 Author Responses Reports in BS & 531 Author Responses Reports PS Transparent Peer Review Process: The dataset includes peer review reports that have been made transparent and publicly available since January 2016. The transparent peer review system adopted by Nature Communications involves the publication of both reviewers' comments and authors' point-by-point responses. The process typically starts with Round 1, where reviewers provide comments on the submitted article. Authors then have the opportunity to respond to these comments, initiating an interactive and collaborative process. Depending on the initial reviews and the revisions made by the authors, the article may undergo subsequent peer review rounds, ensuring a thorough and iterative improvement of the manuscript. The primary objective of providing transparent peer review reports is to enhance the objectivity of the peer review process and inform potential applicants about the expected standards of the journal. This dataset can enable researchers to conduct genre analysis in the area of transparent peer review, contributing to a deeper understanding of the collaborative efforts between reviewers and authors to enhance the quality of scientific publications. ***Earlier Research benefitting from Corpus of Transparent Peer Review includes: ** Sönmez, D. (2021). ''It would be helpful if the authors could clarify …'': A pragmatic analysis of transparent peer reviews (Thesis No: 700911) [MA Thesis, Erciyes University]. National Thesis Center. ** Tekin, M. (2021). A move analysis of transparent peer reviews as an academic genre: Exploring reviewers' comments (Thesis No: 704810) [MA Thesis, Erciyes University]. National Thesis Center. ** Sönmez, D., & Akbas, E. (2023). ‘Great work folks!’: establishing interpersonal communication in transparent peer reviews of research articles . Ibérica, (46), 69–95.
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