Novel insights into the deep geothermal processes in the collapsed continental orogenic belt based on the evolution analysis of multi-hierarchy geothermal water flow systems
We tried to understand the geothermal water flow system by jointly employing data of hydrogeochemistry and compositions of H/O/He/Ne isotopes and radioisotopes 39Ar, 85Kr, and 14C of geothermal fluids. The findings offer insights into the spatial variations of temperature, helium concentration, and isotope compositions in geothermal fluids within the orogenic belt, and thus improves our understanding of the dynamics of deep geothermal processes in regions of orogenic belts, which is critical for future geothermal energy development in these regions.
Steps to reproduce
All geothermal water and gas samples were collected from drill holes and hot springs in central Dabie orogenic belt. Prior to sampling and testing of physical parameters, geothermal fluid was pumped for at least 30 min until stable readings of in situ measurement of temperature, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) using kerosene thermometer and portable multiparameter handheld meter (Hach HQ40D, USA). All gas samples were taken by a gas extraction system named Extraction of Dissolved Gases for Analysis of Radiokrypton.