Aerial dispersal of the sugarcane rust mite (Abacarus sacchari) in the sugarcane field
The sugarcane rust mite (SRM), Abacarus sacchari, infests sugarcane in the Everglades Agricultural Area in southern Florida. Reddish-brown symptoms associate with SRM feeding on leaves appear in April and reach their peak in August-September. Mite dispersal plays an important role in habitat colonization. However, SRM dispersal in the sugarcane fields has not yet been explored because of its microscopic size. This study aimed to determine the role of aerial dispersal of SRM in the colonization of sugarcane plants. Mite dispersal was studied by measuring aerial mites and the mite population on the sugarcane canopy with the elimination of possible ambulatory movement among plants. In general, the result suggests that aerial dispersal is the most important method for SRM dispersal. Females predominated airborne mites, comprising approximately 90% of those measured with 60% gravidity. This strong female bias and their high gravidity in airborne mites further demonstrate the probable role of aerial dispersal in the colonization of sugarcane plants.
Steps to reproduce
Airborne mites were collected using water pan traps deployed in sugarcane field. Canopy mite population were observed using imprinting technique with transparent tape.
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SMARTD 10850201