Survey on Vietnamese students’ expectations and perceptions on educational quality
This survey was conducted to examine students’ expectations and perceptions about education quality within the context of Vietnamese secondary schools. The project has been conducted to extend our prior study “Introducing a tool to gauge curriculum quality under Sustainable Development Goal 4: The case of primary schools in Vietnam” (Hoang et al., 2020). The survey has been delivered to eight secondary schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from Mar to Jun 2020. Regarding each school, two surveys have been delivered separately to collect students’ (i) expectations and (ii) perceived perceptions between a period of two weeks. The final dataset includes 2239 observations. Demographics information includes a student’s school (coded), grade, gender, and class size. Questions regarding school quality consist following aspects: School leadership, Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Assessment, School Climate, Community Engagement, and Sustainable Development.