Assessment of Nurses' Level of Knowledge on Multiple Sclerosis and Its Care ‘Multiple Sclerosis and Care’
The study was applied descriptively to evaluate the knowledge level of nurses about the care of individuals with Multiple Sclerosis. The research was conducted in a multi-centered manner with people who work as nurses and whose e-mail and telephone information have been reached throughout Turkey. The sample consisted of 360 nurses who volunteered to participate in the study. The data were collected with "Participant Information Form" and "Information Level Assessment Form on Multiple Sclerosis and Care". The knowledge scores of the participants differ significantly according to the age variable and education level. Knowledge scores of participants who had cared for individuals with MS before, the knowledge scores of those who received special education about MS, the knowledge scores of those who read articles about MS, were higher. In this study, it was found that the knowledge level of nurses about Multiple Sclerosis and its care was above the medium level. It is thought that their level of knowledge arises from experience. The results show that there is a need to increase the training of nurses on the subject.
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Data Collection Method The study was conducted in a multi-centered manner since it consisted of individuals who worked as nurses across Turkey, whose e-mail and telephone information was accessed, and who voluntarily participated in the study. The data of the study were collected between March-April 2020. The population of the study consisted of 630 nurses whose contact information was accessed. It was attempted to reach all nurses who met the sampling inclusion criteria, The Power and Sample Size Calculator Package Program (123) was used to determine the sufficient sample size in the study. Accordingly, the sample size was calculated as 360 according to α= 0.05 error level, 1- β= 0.80 test power, the effect size of 0.5, confidence interval of 95%, and sampling error of ±5%. Inclusion criteria for the study: Being a nursing graduate, volunteering to participate in the study Exclusion criteria for the study: Having a communication barrier and a severe psychological disorder Research questions were prepared online. Nurses, whose contact information was accessed, were asked to give complete answers to the questions containing explanations about the study. The time to answer the questions varied from person to person and took an average of 10-15 minutes.