Data for: Electromagnetic Scattering in Curvilinear Coordinates Using a Generalized Functions Method
This dataset consists of the comparison between radar cross-sections obtained by the solution of the Stratton-Chu Integral Equation and the classic expression presented, for example, in Balanis (2012).
Steps to reproduce
The Stratton-Chu integral equation was solved with ANSYS HFSS 19, using the integral equation (IE) mode, which numerically solves the aforementioned integral equation for the electric field using the Method of Moments (MoM), and calculates the value of the cross-section for a given frequency. After that, the results were imported to MATLAB R2019a, where they were compared with the analytical solution of the RCS, generated by the rcssphere() function in Matlab. In ANSYS, the simulation was set for a 5 cm PEC sphere under a plane wave source with frequency sweep between 1 MHz and 10 GHz. The same model was used in Matlab. In both cases, the normalized frequency is defined as (2*pi*r)/lambda, with lambda being the transmitting wavelength and r being the radius of the sphere, while the normalized RCS is defined as RCS/(pi*r^2). These are the steps to reproduce the results presented in this dataset: ANSYS HFSS 19 (Method of Moments) 1. Run an HFSS-IE simulation for the PEC Sphere of radius equal to 5 cm and frequency sweep between 1 MHz and 10 GHz to obtain the electric field. 2. Obtain the RCS from the simulated electric field 3. Calculate the normalized RCS and the normalized frequencies MATLAB R2019a (Analytical Solution) 1. Define the same model parameters as used in HFSS 2. Use rcssphere() to obtain the analytical solution 3. Calculate the normalized RCS and the normalized frequencies