Sucker rod failure data
Well data for Sucker rod failure analysis Paper = Radial stress data analysis as a tool for determining tubing and rod failure location in deviated Sucker Rod Pump wells In deviated wells, the shape of the well takes on either an S , J or L profile. Operating these wells in artificial lift mode using Sucker Rod Pump results in problem of attrition of tubings with sucker rod string. Cases of sucker rod/ tubing failure in deviated wells in onshore fields have been reported. Compilation of data of the wells indicate majority of the failures point to attrition between rod string and tubing. As the Sucker Rod Pump operates, rod string stresses are set up. These can be classified into axial and radial stresses. Computation of radial stress data shows that it is again a function of well profile and operating parameters. At points of attrition, these radial stresses get transferred from the rod string to the tubing and become potential regions of failure, with the transfer of radial stresses in the form of “jerks”. Analysis of the radial stress data using the third differential derivative form giving the jerks, presents an insight into the mechanism by which the stresses are the cause of the failure. Differential derivation of data also gives the location for the potential failure which can be mapped.
Steps to reproduce
Raw well data obtained showing depth versus deviation – obtained from well drilling data