Data fusion (travel survey and cellular trace)
Published: 4 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/42mx2m7vg4.1
, Prateek Bansal, Description
This code implements the simulation study of the paper, Vo et al. (2025). A novel data fusion method to leverage passively collected mobility data in generating spatially-heterogeneous synthetic population. Transportation Research Part B. Note: The 'data' folder contains the sampled datasets used in the simulation study, including 'data_hts_sim.csv' for HTS, 'data_cel_sim.csv' for PCM, and 'data_true_sim.csv' for the ground truth. The 'output' folder contains the fused distribution, 'P_XYZ_sim.csv', and the population, 'sample_sim.csv', generated by running 'TRB_PopSyn.ipynb' file. The results could differ slightly from those shown in the paper as these datasets are sampled randomly.
Data Fusion, Agent-Based Modeling, Digital Twin