CoSSN-based Application Ontology
The CoSSN-Based Application Ontology (CoSSNBasedApplicationOntology) extends the Cognitive Semantic Sensor Network ontology (CoSSN). CoSSN is a generic ontology that can be extended with application domain concepts such as those related to healthcare. It imports the Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) [Compton et al., 2012] ] ontology developed by W3C and the Cognitive Sensor Ontology (CoSeOn), a new ontology that was defined to represent the cognitive process that drives detection of activities and actions. The ontology is also available (registration is required) in Web Protege at: (Please cite as: Rita Zgheib, Antonio De Nicola, Maria Luisa Villani, Emmanuel Conchon, Rémi Bastide. A Flexible Architecture for Cognitive Sensing of Activities in Ambient Assisted Living. Wetice 2017 - The 26th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises)