Perfusion culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells for bioprocessing applications: Supplementary Table

Published: 26 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/43bv5rb5n7.1


Data used to inform figures and trends in the paper entitled 'Perfusion culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells for bioprocessing applications'. In short, a collection of literature meta-data from 2000 to mid-2020 relating to the culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary cells in perfusion bioreactors.


Steps to reproduce

Literature on the topic of perfusion and CHO cells was compiled from two international databases; PubMed® and Web of ScienceTM. These databases were compared against a number of unstructured searches in other databases, and an iterative process was used to devise the following search terms: PubMed®: (perfusion [tiab]) AND ((CHO [tiab]) OR ("chinese hamster ovary" [tiab])) AND (2000:2020 [dp]) Web of ScienceTM: (TS=(Perfusion) OR TI=(Perfusion)) AND (TS=(Chinese hamster ovary OR CHO) OR TI=(Chinese hamster ovary OR CHO)) AND (PY = 2000-2020) These structured searches were concluded in July 2020 and encompassed more than 98% of the literature when compared to unstructured/random searches. The results of both the structured and unstructured searches were compiled and cross-referenced into a single database of more than 500 papers, which was reduced to 126 after the application of the following criteria: - Publication is a full, peer-reviewed, primary research article. - Publication includes experiments, or models, of at least one perfusion bioreactor (defined as selective retention of cells with continuous media exchange). - The perfusion bioreactor is used for a single culture of CHO cells.


University of Queensland Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology


