Processed XRD data of graphitised and degraphitised gilsocarbon
Published: 21 August 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/43jsxvckg9.1
, , , Description
Processed XRD patterns of carbon materials used in the production of near-isotropic Gilsocarbon for nuclear application in AGRs (Advanced Gas-cooled Reactors). Samples of anisotropic Pile Grade A (PGA) nuclear graphite from Magnox reactors are also shared. Type of processing: Baseline removal by Savitzky-Golay smoothing method (with BSpline interpolation method) Studied carbon materials: Coal tar pitch, Calcined (Gilsonite) coke, Green article (mixture of calcined coke and coal tar pitch), Baked article (carbonised green article), Gilsocarbon (graphitised baked article), irradiated gilsocarbon samples (AGR1997, AGR 2000, AGR2006), pristine PGA, irradiated PGA (iPGA)
McGill University, The University of Manchester
Materials Science, Nuclear Engineering, X-Ray Diffraction