Data for: Assessing shipping water vertical loads on a fixed structure by convolution model and wet dam-break tests

Published: 1 July 2019| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/43tx85f4g8.3
Jassiel Vladimir Hernández-Fontes, Marcelo A. Vitola, Paulo de Tarso T. Esperança, Sergio H. Sphaier


This datasheet presents experimental data related to the paper "Assessing shipping water vertical loads on a fixed structure by convolution model and wet dam-break tests", published in Applied Ocean Research. It is suggested to cite it as follows: Hernández-Fontes J.V., Vitola M.A., Esperança P.T.T., Sphaier S.H., 2019. Assessing shipping water vertical loads on a fixed structure by convolution model and wet dam-break tests. Applied Ocean Research. 82, pages 63-73. Experimental data time series are provided in ".txt" files for the three study cases described in the paper, considering the five repetitions . These include: - Time series of wavefront displacements over the deck (to estimate wavefront velocities) for the five repetitions; - Time series of water elevations at bow edge (i.e., measurements by VWP at -0.005m from bow edge and freeboard exceedance values used as input of the analytical model) for the five repetitions; - Time series of vertical loads over the deck for the five repetitions.



Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Hydrodynamics, Dynamic Loads, Offshore Structure, Marine Structure
