Sample (unprocessed) of the landslide susceptibility map of Romania corresponding to AU3c (the Moldavian Plateau)

Published: 16 September 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/43w5b8sng7.1
Dan Bălteanu , Mihai Micu, Marta Jurchescu, Mihaela Sima, Gheorghe Kucsicsa , Mihai Ciprian Margarint


The raster data represents a regional slide and flow susceptibility map obtained for Analysis Unit 3c (AU3c, i.e. the Moldavian Plateau). It was constructed in view of achieving a new regionally-differentiated national-scale landslide susceptibility map, in the context of the national RO-RISK project and by using a methodological approach following European guidelines. Its elaboration was based on a mixed statistic-heuristic approach in form of a Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) procedure integrating both landslide information and expert knowledge.



Spatial Analysis, Hazard Analysis, Geomorphic Hazard, Landslide, Zonation
