Role of the alloy grain boundaries in the high temperature oxidation and Cr volatilization of 22 wt.% Cr ferritic stainless steel for SOFC applications
Fig. 2: The processed data obtained from the weight gain test of two different samples is given. Discontinuous weight gain test was conducted. For each measurement, we measured a weight increase at least five times to get a reliable average value. The data provided here are the average values. Fig.3: The processed data from the Cr evaporation rate test. Accumulative Cr release for 700 h and the change of Cr release rate were included. Fig.10: The raw data results from XRD analysis of oxidized specimens. Fig.11: The processed data from SIMS Depth profile results. Fig.12: The corrected weight gain results considering the effect of Cr evaporation Fig.13: The oxide thickness results from BSE images. Each column represent a single BSE image. Fig.14: The process data from TEM-EELS results