chemical analyses, qPCR, and metatranscriptomes in Se(IV) bio-reduction

Published: 30 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/444hj23mh6.1
Rui Xu


We collected these critical data to confirm the microbial Se(IV) reduction processes: (1) Se(IV) concentrations in Se(IV)-reducing cultures amended with or without Se(IV) addition. (2) Proportions of 16S rRNA genes in CsCl gradient fractions obtained in 13C-labeled DNA-SIP. (3) Metatranscritpomes of Se(IV)-reducing cultures with KEGG annotation.


Steps to reproduce

(1) Se(IV) concentrations in the mixture were measured using the spectrophotometric method at 500 nm. (2) The extracted total DNA from Se(IV)-reducing cultures was separated into 13C-DNA ("heavy") and 12C-DNA ("light") fractions using CsCl gradient ultracentrifugation and quantified by 338F/518R primer set for 16S rRNA genes. (3) The total RNA from Se(IV)-reducing cultures was collected for metatranscriptomic sequencing, followed by the KEGG annotation.


Analysis of Toxic Chemical, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, High-Throughput Sequencing
